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The Freedom Method elevates basic dog training to the next level of excellence.  We have carefully examined the problematic effects that other methods may produce and have created a program that actually helps your dog train herself.

Impressive, but true!

The problem with common dog training methods is that they attempt to micromanage every aspect of a dog's behavior.  Dogs naturally resist this micromanagement which causes people to use tools and treats to manipulate their pets.  Education founded in manipulation often produces disingenuous results,  meaning, dogs may do well when we are actively managing their behavior, but when allowed to govern themselves training can fall apart. 


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We believe that dogs originally domesticated themselves.  The theory that some cavemen adopted wolf pups, fed them, trained and tamed them is no longer supported by the scientific community.   The truth is that nature created a situation where wolves naturally became our pets with little help from the humans.  This means that a naturally symbiotic relationship developed between wolves and mankind. This symbiotic relationship slowly evolved into intentional breeding programs for the domestic dogs we have today. 

Long before anyone trained a dog, their wild ancestors first gave humanity a reason to trust them.   In other words:  Once upon a time a wolf trained itself to be someone's best friend. 

Sounds impossible?  Consider this. In Africa, there exists birds that have developed symbiotic relationships with humans.  The birds, affectionately known as Honnyguides, need humans to reach their favourite food.  To accomplish this the birds have naturally formed a line of communication with humans that is nothing short of miraculous.  Claire Spottiswoode writes:

"the Honnyguides behavior is innate. Because the chicks are reared by alternative species (hoopoes, kingfishers, scimitarbills, you name it), they can’t learn this highly unusual behavior from their parents. So, instead, the birds must inherit the knowledge, refining it to match their locale as they mature. In Tanzania, for example, the cue is a whistle; in Zambia, the sound of chopping wood draws them near, she says."  This means the birds are born understanding that cue that the humans use to control them.

When I started working as an animal behaviorist the scientific community denounced any notion of non-human animals having emotional lives.  The thinking was that emotionality was reserved for humans.  This anthropocentric view is undoubtedly steeped in religious fervor;  God created man in his own image, not animals.  Because of the biblical references that separated mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom, there existed in the world a notion that the way people think is unique to us.   Times have changed.  Today science acknowledges that animals are more like us than we dared imagine.  They have a sense of family, feel grief, experience mourning, dogs have even been taught math. 

The idea that we need to think like dogs in order to train them is anthropocentric because it assumes that dogs have less textured emotions.  Humans are more inventive than other animals, but our inventiveness does not negate the astonishing similarities we share.  We dream of trips to the moon and dogs dream of trips to the park. Our dreams are loftier, but that does not make them any more passionate.  

Dogs are denied the opportunity to develop their innate obedience because the tools we use to contain them can decelerate their natural problem solving abilities.

The Art Of Un-Training Your Dog

We have all met wonderful dogs who are amazing with no formal training.  These dogs are often the best examples of what owning a dog is all about.   I have studied these dogs for decades and have come to understand what makes them shine.  Their owners have not been compromised by poor breeding and fast-track training technics that ignore the natural connection dogs and people share. 

In urban environments where most dogs are never asked to be self-reliant,  dog trainers rarely utilize the full scope of a dog's innate cooperativeness.  Urban trainers have become overly reliant on training tools that make the training process simple for clients but mediocre for dogs.  Dog trainers meet millions of problem dogs and over time they learn to perceive spoiled dog behaviour as normal dog behaviour.  Dogs are denied the opportunity to develop their natural grace because the tools we use to contain them often decelerate their natural problem-solving abilities. 

Wolves domesticated themselves during a time when humans considered them food.  Fred Flintstone was not thinking about feeding wolves, he wanted to eat them.  With that in mind, self-domesticated wolves must have been able to offer humans something valuable to save themselves from the dinner plate. The popular idea that humans need to dominate and lure dogs to condition a good relationship is not supported by the amazing history of these animals. 

Dogs do not only want to be good, they are hardwired to offer us cooperative behaviour.   So why do so many of them behave wildly? 


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I cannot stress the importance of quality breeding strongly enough.  When a dog is born with problems in its DNA there is nothing that can be done to make these broken animals whole.  It is essential, absolutely essential, that people seek out breeders who produce dogs that are healthy in mind and body.


We have all seen Fast-Track training in action.  It all looks the same, a group of dogs sitting around an obedience class, all looking extremely controlled.  

A sad truth about modern dog care is that we are regularly taught to add something to our dogs' lives to make them happy.  We give dogs items they don't need, and worse, the items we give them are all designed to simulate compulsive activity.  The same kind of consumerism that has our children addicted to video games and social media has washed over our dogs.

In a world where humans have been altogether removed from their naturalness, we have pulled our dogs into the same dysfunction.   Fast-Track dog training aims for instant results at the expense of long-term, permanent, enrichment.  People fall into crisis with their pets and trainers feel obliged to provide fast, emergency, results.  This form of 911 training has dominated  TV for decades and has produced a dog training culture that has become addicted to fast, tool-driven, results.

Think about the common advice you have been given about your dog's training.  Think hard.  Have you been taught how to enlighten your dog, or have you simply become reliant on the tools you have been taught to use?  Can you trust your dog to control himself? Are you educating your dog, or have you become stuck in the drudges of neverending management? 

Your dog was born with the basic skills needed to become an amazing pet.

Unlike common training ideas that try and control dogs with tools, the Freedom Method of training builds the fundamental relationship you have with your dog on your pet's innate willingness to cooperate.   We help dog owners unlock the symbiotic instinct that makes dogs the most successful animals to have ever coexisted with humanity.  Your dog was born with the basic skills needed to become an amazing pet.  Once you learn how to unlock the true brilliance in your dog, you and your pet will be set free in ways that encourage permanent enrichment.

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Helping Dog Owners In Alberta, Canada

Cold Lake,  Bonnyville,  St Paul
COPYRIGHT 2025 - Canine Freedom Center

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